Model of human behavior

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DISC Model of Human Behavior


High "D" Q's and Clues

Communicates readily…not afraid to speak out. States more than asks. Direct and Abrupt. Firm handshake. Full calendars. Whoever said, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!” was really
describing a high D !

How High is your D!

High "I" Q's and Clues

Making people laugh, love to interact with people, so everyone has a great time. Prestige. In just a few minutes, a high I can meet a total stranger and make him or her feel at home. Like Peter Pan, they don’t want to grow up.

How high is you I!

High "C" Q's and Clues

Consistency, Details, Excellence. Have lots of questions. Dedicated to the task. Don't like mistakes. Their cognitive skills allow them to think of ways to improve an idea. They will go to any length to achieve excellence. Whoever said, “Measure twice… and cut once!” must have been a high C!

how high is your C!

High "S" Q's and Clues

The nicest people in the world. They are warmhearted and patient, because they need peace and harmony, they will avoid confrontation at all costs. They prefer to work at their own pace and will keep going, like the tortoise in the fable.

How high is your s!

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  • Child Assessment - concise(8-pages, English)
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When you got conflict, DISC doesn't solve it

it dissolve it