There is a Journey

  • What you can walk away from, you have mastered; what you cannot walk away from has mastered you!

    Have you ever had something happen in your life and you just could not let it go? It might have been a situation involving money, or another family relationship, or one in which you were holding a grudge. All of…
  • Keep in Mind the 3 I’s of Good Business Relationships!

    I am a simple-minded person. If something is presented to me in a way that is clear and easy to understand, I catch on quickly. In fact, I will be able to do a seminar on it! However, if a…
  • Little things mean a lot!

    I am constantly amazed at how paying attention to little things can make or break a family, a business, a church or even a nation. For example, prior to...
  • Re-evaluate your mountaintop experience.

    Most of us have had some type of “mountaintop experience” during our lifetime. Perhaps it was getting our driver’s license at the age of sixteen. It could have been graduating from college and then stepping into a dream job. Maybe…
  • Stop acting and start being!

    When I was growing up, I was told many times, “You need to act like a fine young man!” My mother and father were trying to teach me how to behave properly and have good manners. Then as I got…
  • Be innocent!

    Many of you may remember Yogi Berra. He was the catcher for the New York Yankees baseball team back in the 1950’s and ‘60’s. He has been credited with many, many famous sayings. Probably the most popular one is, “When…

  • There is a journey toward success!

    Every journey starts somewhere. It has a beginning and an end. The journey to success is no different, and I believe there are eight distinct phase...