Little things mean a lot!


I am constantly amazed at how paying attention to little things can make or break a family, a business, a church or even a nation. For example, prior to 9/11 very little attention was paid to the items people took on an airplane with them. Now, however, total attention is paid to that aspect of air travel.

I came across an old poem that I shared with my class. An older couple came to me afterwards and told me that the poem I had read was actually a very popular song back in the 1940’s and ‘50’s. They had danced to it when they courted and fell in love many years ago.

Listen to the words and see how touching they still are over half a century later:

Blow me a kiss across the room

Say I look nice when I’m not

Touch my hair as you pass my chair

Little things mean a lot

Give me your arm as we cross the street

Call me at six on the dot

A line a day when you’re far away

Little things mean a lot

Give me your hand when I’ve lost my way

Give me your shoulder to cry on

Whether the day is bright or gray

Give me your heart to rely on

Send me the warmth of a secret smile

To show me you haven’t forgot

For always and ever, now and forever

Little things mean a lot

Edith Linderman/Carl Stutz


Now I am not trying to get all “mushy” on you, but I do believe one thing to be true more than ever – if you pay attention to the little things in the lives of your family, friends, and business associates you cannot help but make a positive impact on all of them.

When was the last time you got a thank you note from someone? Did that “little thing” mean a lot to you? Sure, it did! When was the last time you received an unexpected phone call from someone who told you how much you had meant to their life? Did that “little thing” mean a lot to you? Again, the answer is obvious.

Do you see how important “little things” really are? When all is said and done, I believe the “little things”, in reality, turn out to be the “big things”. That is just the way life works!

I am practicing this in my personal and professional life, and it is paying big dividends – bigger than I ever thought possible! It will for you, too!

Tip: Little things mean a lot!

Have a great week! God bless you!