Hiring Insights User Guide

Introduction Hiring Insights DISC Assessments and tools are a simple way to find candidates that “FIT” a particular job or position that you are trying to fill. When you find a candidate that "fits," then he or she will naturally excel in their work environment. Most hiring processes rely heavily on looking at skills and qualifications - which is absolutely necessary. Hiring Insights provides an added way for you to ENHANCE your ability to find people who are likely to perform well AND remain happy at work or on your team. The result? Turnover is reduced and people stay longer - which saves you time and money.

Overview of the Hiring Insights Process: The Hiring Insights Process is based on 3 steps:

  1. You complete a Hiring Insights assessment to characterize the job or position
  2. Your candidates complete a Discovery Report DISC assessment (personality profile) to determine their personality styles. Note that this is a different kind of assessment than in step 1.
  3. You compare the results using our Team Charting visual tool to view the results.

Each step is illustrated below:

  1. Assess the job online and Get Hiring Insights Report,
  2. Have each candidate take an online assessment,
  3. View the results to see the closest matches.

Clarifying terms … The Hiring Insights assessment and report is used to identify a profile fit for a job or position. The Hiring Insights assessment is answered with the job requirements in mind. You will answer according the assessment while thinking about what is important for the particular job or position. Thus, one Hiring Insights assessment is used per position. The retail cost is $74.95 per Hiring Insights report. Discovery Report DISC profile assessments are used with individuals or candidates who answer the assessment regarding himself or herself. This is what most people call a “personality profile.” The result is a report that shows the person’s personality traits and charts. Thus, one Discovery Report DISC assessment is used for each person (candidate). The pricing for Discovery Reports starts at $24.95 USD each for the concise version. There are other versions with more feedback that starts retail from $52.95 USD.

You can see the various Discovery Report versions available if you click here

So, just to be clear, the Hiring Insights assessments (to analyze the job requirements) are sold individually ($74.95 each) just as the Discovery Report DISC profile assessments (for the candidates) are sold individually ($24.95 each). That way, you only buy only what you need. For example, if you have one position you are hiring for and 5 candidates, you would purchase 1 Hiring Insights assessment, and 5 Discovery Reports.

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